Kingdom Platforms™ Coaching Program
Your Kingdom Platform is the vehicle by which God can get His work done through you. Your life is His platform. It is the unique message, a Kingdom Message, which God has given you the experience, expertise and permission to share with the world. As you are being transformed, He’s given you the authority to share the lessons and principles you’ve learned along the way.
The Kingdom Platforms™ Coaching Program is for people who have lived through transformational experiences and desire to develop the lessons and principles they’ve learned into a message that they can monetize. Your transformation is the solution to someone’s problem. Just imagine what could happen once you’ve identified your Kingdom Message, and then launched your message into the marketplace using kingdom-driven principles. People’s lives can be impacted just because you allowed God to use your life as a Kingdom Platform.
Kingdom Confidence™
“Our mindset is an inward calculation of
our external influences.”
Keynote/Group Training
My purpose in life is to encourage and equip leaders to become the better version of themselves. I believe that it is possible to be an authentic and influential leader without compromising your beliefs and core values. Whether it’s through a group coaching experience or a conference keynote, good leaders can be transformed into great leaders if they have someone who can challenge their areas of complacency and hold them accountable to responding to the call of leadership. Let’s have a conversation to see if we’re a good fit for one another!